Natalie Bolonina
Feb 7, 2025 · 2 min read
Parlez-vous Parisien? Want to sound like you just strolled out of a chic café on the Champs-Élysées? Sprinkle these quintessential Parisian phrases into your conversation, and you'll be turning heads faster than you can say "baguette."
Use this when you're shocked or frustrated. Bonus points for dramatic hand gestures.
The ultimate French shrug in word form. Use it when you're unimpressed or indifferent.
Contrary to popular belief, this isn't just for excitement. Use it to express any strong emotion, good or bad.
Start sentences with this to sound extra French. It's like their "um" or "well."
The all-purpose greeting. Answer with "Ça va" and you're golden.
Use this to describe your mood or tell someone to relax.
Because Parisians are always tired, apparently.
Perfect for starting any activity with enthusiasm.
With these expressions in your linguistic arsenal, you'll be blending in with the locals faster than you can say "où est la Tour Eiffel?" Just don't forget to practice your disdainful sniff – it's the silent punctuation mark of true Parisian speech.